Sunday, January 1, 2012

Just stand still for awhile

Jim Haraughty, the man behind Team MS on his recently acquired Montesa.

I think he wanted to rub in the T-shirt/sandals weather down in AZ too.

Photo of Jim and his Bonneville beast crafted with some help from Motorcycle Performance.

One of the nicest guys you will ever meet.
Use to tear it up road racing and motocrossin' in the 80's
Then when he was diagnosed with MS in November of 2003 decided it was time to start racing again.

Jim is the guy I have to thank for the opportunity to pick up my Egan leathers.


  1. Holy that a super charger? I'm assuming that because he has the head on backwards. Sweet and rad he isn't letting MS stop him from doing what he wants. I love stories like that.

  2. That motor has been revamped to the max.
    Jim isn't slowing down one bit. Real inspiration.
    He snagged a record out at Bonneville in 2010 during World Finals. Unfortunately this year they got out and they cancelled the event due to flooding.
